Thursday, January 1, 2015

A New Year - A New You .... a meditation and prayer

What are your New Year's resolutions?  Resolutions can be helpful, but it seems that most rarely produce permanent change.  However, there is an admonition in scripture that fits well for the beginning of a new year.

Romans 12:2(NLT)  "Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect."

But how?  How do you "let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think" ?
One traditional approach that is often neglected is meditating out loud on the Word of God.  So, here is a start for letting God renew your mind -- creating new thought patterns and new comprehension of Truth as revealed in the Word.
Rx: Read and pray these scripture meditations and prayers out loud, keeping your focus on Christ. Repeat daily, or more often as needed.  Watch for transformation by this renewing of your mind.  After 7-14 days, work on creating your own scripture meditations and prayers and continue.  Just be sure to read the scripture meditations and prayers out loud.  Or read scriptures aloud and then pray aloud from the scriptures.  (To make this Rx "extra strength" try singing the scriptures and prayers to the Lord.)
Just like David addressed his inner being with the words, "Bless the Lord, O my soul," so you may start with something like this: 

"Rise up, my soul and my spirit within me, and pay attention to the Word of the Lord."  

Then, continue aloud.
Believe the truth of these words, my soul. “Come to me,” says the Lord, “all you who are weary and feel the burden of this life pressing down upon you.  I will give you rest.”    

I will submit to the Lord Jesus Christ and trust him, when he says, “Take MY yoke upon you.”  I no longer need to be yoked to the expectations of others.  I no longer need to be yoked to anxiety, worry, or fear.  Jesus’ yoke is this: “Learn of me.  For I am gentle and meek, and with MY yoke you will find REST for your soul.”  Matthew 11:29. 
Prayer:  “Lord, I come to you and take your yoke upon me.  I trust you.  I long to learn of you.  Lead me into your presence each and every day, so that I may learn more of You.”

Picture:  In each place where I have tied my heart and happiness to someone else's happiness I cut that tie and reconnect the cord to the heart of Christ.

Believe the truth of these words, my soul. The Lord cares deeply for me.  Be at rest in the Lord, O my soul.  "Cast every care upon Him, for He cares for you."  1 Pet 5:7.

Do not be anxious, my soul.  Obey the Word of the Lord.  He says, “Do not be anxious about anything.  But instead, by prayer and supplication, make your requests known to the Lord.”  Then I will experience peace beyond my comprehension.  Php. 4:6-7
Prayer:  Lord, I choose to bring all my cares and concerns to you - before I am tempted to start worrying or fretting -- because I know you care deeply about me.  I choose to rest in You and experience a peace that is beyond my understanding.

Picture:  I see these cares and concerns in my hands and I extend them out to Jesus and lay them into his hands instead.
Do not be afraid, my soul.  Obey the Word of the Lord.  "The Lord has not given you a spirit of fear but of love, power, and a sound mind."  2 Tim 1:7.  "There is no fear in love; perfect love casts out all fear. 1 Jn 4:18.  The Lord says, “Fear not.”  Therefore, to obey God means to not fear.
Prayer:  Lord, I open myself to you now and I receive from you the spirit of love, power and a sound mind. I acknowledge the truth that your perfect love casts out all fear.  I choose love, not fear.  Lord, help me to remember this truth and walk it out in every situation.

Picture:  I see myself walking into each and every situation filled and overflowing with perfect love from God. I see others with these eyes of love.  I feel God's perfect love for each one.  This gives me  filled with confidence to go there without fear.

Trust in the Lord, O my soul.  Put your trust in Him.  He says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean NOT on your own understanding.”  I will not lean on my own limited understanding, but I will trust the Lord completely and obey his commands.  Therefore, "He will direct my paths."  Prov 3:5-6.
Prayer:  Lord, I choose to trust in You with all my heart; help me to not go back to the place of relying on my own understanding.  I choose to obey your commands and trust you to direct my paths.  Help me walk this out in reality every day.

Picture:  I see the Lord leading me down a path and asking me to close my eyes.  I do this without fear, trusting that everywhere He leads me is good.

"There is nothing that can separate me from the love of God."  Nothing.  Rom 8:38.  I choose to believe this truth, and, therefore, I will have no reason to fear or worry.  "For what can man do to me?  If God is for me, who can be against me?" Rom 8:31.  I will accept everything as "a good and perfect gift from above, from my Father of Lights who never changes."  James 1:17.

Prayer:  Lord, I acknowledge that your love is always with me, you are always for me, and you never change.  Your gifts are good and perfect.  I trust you to give me every good and perfect gift for each circumstance I face. I ask You, right here and right now, to make real to me your nearness and your love.

Picture: I see Jesus handing me a beautifully wrapped present.  I open it and see what is inside - but it looks like liquid lights.  I hold it close to my heart and realize that this gift is His nearness; it feels so wonderful.
Heavenly Father, thank you for your nearness and your unending goodness and love that never fail me.  Thank you that I have every reason to trust you and obey you.  There is no fear in this place of love.  

Things that happen to me that I don’t understand – or make me uncomfortable, upset, or frustrated -  I choose to accept them as things that can help me grow into the character and strength that you have for me.  Help me to see “problems” as opportunities rather than roadblocks. Rom 8:28.
May I grab hold of the circumstances of life and use them as tools to grow up into the fruit of your Spirit – to grow in more love, more peace, and more joy.  May I discern how my present circumstances are giving me opportunities to become more patient, more kind, more good, more gentle, more faithful, and more self-controlled. Gal 5:22.
I choose to give the enemy NO foothold by refusing to become bitter or resentful.  I forgive all those who have wronged me, and I bless them to know you, Lord, and your goodness.
I refuse to believe any lie about who you are, Lord.   I confess the truth that you are loving, good, and all powerful and that your ways are higher and better than my ways.  Isa 55:9
Wherever I cannot understand the purpose and meaning, and where circumstantial evidence may seem to not line up with your truth, I choose to believe the Truth of your Word and not listen to any lie.  I resist pride, and I admit that I can in no way understand enough -- far be it from me to make a judgment where it would lead to any conclusion that would in any way be inconsistent with the eternal TRUTH as revealed in the WORD. 
May it be said of me that all my fountains are indeed in You, my Lord.  Ps 87:7.  I want to find my deepest satisfaction in knowing you, loving you, and searching out "the depths of wisdom and revelation that are hidden in Christ Jesus." Col 2:3.  
I choose to believe this:  All else pales in comparison to the all surpassing glory of knowing YOU, JESUS.  Php 3:8.

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