Saturday, April 29, 2017

Those Who Know Their God Will Do Great Exploits

Do not let fear have a foothold or even a toehold.

The choice is one you make DAILY and sometimes hourly and minute by minute.

I am HOPE eternal.  When people seek healing without seeking a daily, abiding relationship in Me as Healer, they miss the main thing.

 There is a battle going on, and as long as you remain IN ME, remembering that your life is hidden with Christ in God, you will not fear that battle at all.  It is when you forget whose you are and where you belong (hidden in me) that you see “the giants in the land.”  What made Caleb and Joshua brave?  Confidence in Me.  Where did that confidence come from?

I don’t know, Lord.

Caleb and Joshua saw me rightly.  They knew their God.  The ten spies did not.  They took their eyes from Me and my promises and put their eyes on the problem before them.  Joshua and Caleb didn’t doubt.  When they saw the land, they only saw the possibilities, the promise, the victory!  They trusted Me because they understood who I am!

Unbelief is the core issue, and yet unbelief itself is rooted in not knowing Me for who I am.

But Lord, I still don’t understand.  When people seem to be focused on You and focused on Truth, and they pray with faith and believe, why are they still so frequently sidelined by fear? 

At the core of the issue is knowledge of who I AM.  The only way that people become convinced of who I Am is by experiencing me. Direct experience!  For those who have spent years trying to understand and grab hold of this with their minds without revelation of Who I Am, there is New Hope of learning it directly from being in my presence.  I will take away all their fears!

Caleb and Joshua knew their God.  Blessed are the people who know their God.  I appeared to them.  Why them?  Why not others?  I respond to desire, and I respond to faith.  Those who expect to see Me will see Me.  

Dan 11:32b - …
 but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.

Joshua 5:13 – When I appeared to Joshua, everything changed.  He knew Me and all fear was gone.  There was no going back from an encounter like that!

13Now when Joshua was near Jericho, he looked up and saw a man standing in front of him with a drawn sword in his hand. Joshua went up to him and asked, “Are you for us or for our enemies?”  14“Neither,” he replied, “but as commander of the army of the Lord I have now come.” Then Joshua fell facedown to the ground in reverence, and asked him, “What message does my Lorde have for his servant?” 15The commander of the Lord’s army replied, “Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy.” And Joshua did so.

Joshua fell face down before me, then he took off his sandals to stand on my holy ground.

"Caleb had a different spirit.  He did not have a spirit of fear."

How did Caleb come to choose that, Lord?

Caleb chose to fix his eyes on Me by associating with Joshua.  When you choose to associate and bind yourself to those who have seen God, you will move toward more faith.  My revelation of power to Caleb is not directly recorded in scripture, but you can tell that he knew me because of his faith in me.

My word to everyone is this:  Be one who sees me.  Be one who trusts me.  Revelation of ME and my true nature produces FAITH that moves mountains.

Encourage others to SEEK ME and KNOW ME.  Remind them of the stories.  Those who experienced me directly did great exploits! 

From Moses to Paul, from James to Peter. All had direct experiences with seeing Me for who I AM.

See Me and my power and love.  When you choose to SEE ME, everything else grows dim by comparison.

Think of the times you have chosen to see me in your circumstances.  When you choose to believe that I AM good and that what I call you to is all good, then fear must flee.  

Just as Caleb and Joshua saw the Promised Land as a great opportunity, so you have seen the trials and tribulations of parenting as great opportunities. But when you chose fear instead of faith -- when the problems seemed like giants that threatened to overcome you - you started looking all around for answers outside of me.  Remember that every time you chose faith and chose to seek ME for the answers, you gained victory.  Continue to choose faith over fear.

How Lord?

The choice to SEE ME is one that is made daily, sometimes hourly.  The choice to see me is the choice to choose faith over fear.  Over and over again.

Everyone wants an answer that sets them free from daily dependence.  But my answer is that you are designed for daily, hourly dependence, until every breath is breathing in me.  That is my desire for ALL my children - daily, hourly ongoing relationship, continually choosing to trust Me and know Me. 

Those who know their God will do great exploits!!